Seconda parte di Chovanec sull’immobiliare cinese

Patrick Chovanec

Yesterday, I began an investigation into the potential causes behind the latest bump in China’s property sales numbers, and whether they portend a genuine turn-around in the nation’s real estate market.  I noted that five basic theories to account for what has been happening, and promised to examine them each in turn:

  1. Lower Prices are Bringing Buyers Back
  2. Looser Restrictions are Unleashing Pent-Up Demand
  3. Optimistic Buyers are Misreading the Market
  4. Government Intervention is Boosting the Numbers
  5. Developers are Fudging Numbers to Stay Afloat

In my last post, I concluded that it was certainly possible that a fall in both real and nominal property prices could explain a recovery in sales, as properties become more affordable to buyers.  However, this theory cannot explain the rebound in property prices reportedly taking place, nor should it offer much comfort to hard-pressed developers, who would may have to endure steep losses to clear…

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Chovanec sull’immobiliare cinese

Patrick Chovanec

The buzz is that China real estate is back.  After nearly a year of steep discounting, with both land and housing sales in April looking like they were falling of a cliff, the market was electrified in late May by stories of would-be home-buyers lining up around the block and entire luxury developments selling out on the days sales opened.  China Securities Journal reported that Beijing housing sales were up 46.5% YoY in May, Xinhua reported they were up 50.6% YoY in June, and property agency Centaline says they’ve continue to surge at 37% YoY in the first half of July. Over Dragon Boat Festival weekend, in late June, China’s Housing Ministry said sales volume for Beijing residential property soared 289% YoY (nearly 4x), and Centaline said six other cities saw sales growth greater than 100% YoY that same weekend. In Shanghai, housing sales surge 65% WoW in late…

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L’anti-Blanchard di Brancaccio

Per capire quanto c’è bisogno di parlare di queste cose…
Parlando di manuali di economia, uno studente dell’università di Pavia chiese se ci fossero manuali che non fossero il Samuelson.
La sventurata direttrice di un noto giornaletto d’area antagonista pavese rispose: il Blanchard è il migliore

Keynes blog

Olivier Blanchard, capo economista del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, è uno dei più autorevoli esponenti del cosiddetto “mainstream”, la corrente principale della teoria economica contemporanea. Blanchard è anche autore del manuale Macroeconomia, uno dei libri di testo più diffusi nelle università di tutto il mondo. L’edizione italiana, edita da Il Mulino, è stata realizzata in collaborazione con Alessia Amighini e Francesco Giavazzi.1

Il manuale di Blanchard rappresenta la versione più avanzata della cosiddetta “sintesi neoclassica”. La “sintesi” trae origine dal famigerato modello IS-LM con il quale John Hicks, nel 1937, diede avvio a un celebre quanto discusso tentativo di assorbimento del tipico problema keynesiano della carenza di domanda di merci all’interno di un impianto concettuale tradizionale di tipo neoclassico. Un “keynesismo bastardo”, come venne rudemente definito da Joan Robinson, che però è andato evolvendosi nel tempo e che oggi rappresenta il mainstream

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